

The various welfare and rehabilitation schemes that are being introduced by both Central/ State Government for the benefits of the Ex-servicemen community are streamlined in the following paragraphs.

New Schemes

1. Medical Relief Grant to Ex-Servicemen and Widows of Ex-Servicemen.

A one time grant of Rs 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) to Ex-Servicemen and Widows of Ex-Servicemen who are suffering from degenerative or incurable diseases and are above 60 years of age wef 01 Apr 2013.

2. Financial Assistance for Self Employment to the Wives/Widows of Ex-Servicemen.

One time financial assistance of Rs 25000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) to a team of three or more unemployed wives/widows of ESM, or Rs 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) to individual unemployed wife/widow of ESM for self employment wef 01 Apr 2013.

Enhancement of Grants/ Other Conditions:

1. Enhancement of Financial Assistance and Income limit for SMBF/DMBF Grant.
Enhanced the financial assistance to Rs 2000/-, Rs 2500/-, Rs 3000/-, Rs 2500/- and Rs 4000/- respectively wef 01 Apr 2013.

2. Enhancement of Immediate Financial Assistance.
Immediate Financial Assistance from Hon’ble Chief Minister and the Director, Sainik Welfare Department has been enhanced as follows:-

(a) Hon’ble Chief Minister – Rs 10,000/-
(b) Director Sainik Welfare Department – Rs 5000/-

3. Increasing Festival Allowance and Pocket Expenses to inmates of TB/ Leprosy Sanatorium.
Increased the special grant of Onam Festival and Pocket Expenses to Rs 2000/- respectively wef 01 Apr 2013.

4. Increasing Financial Assistance to Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Pune.
Increased the financial Assistance to Rs 1000/- per month wef 01 Apr 2013.

5. Increasing Financial Assistance – Coaching Classes for NET, JRF, SET, CA etc.
Increased the grant of Rs 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) or actual fees whichever is less wef 01 Apr 2013.

6. Increasing of Coaching Class grant being paid to the Ex-Servicmen and their dependents for attending competitive exams and attending interview boards.
Increased the grant to Rs 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) or actual fees whichever is less wef 01 Apr 2013.

7. Exemption of age limit of Dependent Children of Ex-Servicemen for Mentally Retarded Children (MRC) and Physically Disabled Children (PDC) Grants.
Age limit for availing MRC grant and PDC grant for dependent children exempted including existing cases wef 01 Apr 2012.

8. Awareness Campaign for Ex-Servicemen
Increased the amount for Taluk, District and State Level Awareness Campaigns for Ex-Servicemen to Rs 40,000/- & 1,40,000/- respectively wef 01 Apr 2012.

9. Financial Assistance to Kidney Patients for Dialysis.
The financial assistance is available to all the Ex-Servicemen/ dependents who are undergoing dialysis without stipulating any conditions.

10. After Care Grant to ESM/Widows undergone Organ Transplantation.
A monthly after care grant granted to Ex-Servicemen/ Widows for one year at the rate of Rs 1000/- per month without stipulating any other conditions wef 01 Apr 2013.

11. Financial Assistance for unemployed Ex-Servicemen attending Rehabilitation course for self employment.
Financial Assistance for unemployed Ex-Servicemen attending Rehabilitation course for self employment increased to Rs 10,000/- wef 01 Apr 2013.

12. Blind Grant– Enhancement of Grant and Exemption of age limit.
The amount of grant enhanced to Rs 2000/- per month (for Non Pensioners only) and the age limit for availing blind grant for dependent children exempted including existing cases wef 01 Apr 2012.

13. Increasing of Physically Disabled Children Grant (PDC) and Mentally Retarded Children Grant (MRC).
Increased the amount of grant to Rs 700/- per month in both cases wef 01 Apr 2013.

14. Increasing of Grant for Dialysis to Kidney Patients– Ex-Servicemen/ Widows of Ex-Servicemen.
The amount of grant increased from Rs 10,000/- to Rs 20,000/- wef 01 Apr 2013.