
1 Grant for repairs of dwelling huts A one time grant of Rs. 10,000/- is paid to Ex-Servicemen and widows of Ex-Servicemen.


a) Ex-Servicemen/widows of Ex-Servicemen.
b) Annual income should be less than Rs.1,00,000/-.


a) Application for grant for repair of dwelling huts
b) Form No DD 40
c) Attested copy of discharge book
d) Attested copy of identity Card
e) Income certificate from village officer
f) Attested copy of widow identity card in case of widows
g) Estimated cost of repair prepared by a licensed Engineer
h) Detailed enquiry report regarding ownership / location /condition from the revenue authority
i) Certificate of non receipt of similar benefits from any other sources issued by the village officer
j) Verification report by ZSWOs

2 House Building Grant The State Government has introduced this scheme towards the welfare of the disabled Ex-servicemen boarded out and widows and dependants of jawans died in harness. The amount of grant is Rs. 1,00,000/-.


a) Disabled and boarded out soldiers/war widows of soldiers/ widows of soldiers died in harness and recruits with disability pension.
b) Annual income limit should be less than Rs. 1,50,000/- (the income limit is not applicable to the Dependants of jawans killed/ disabled/ missing in action).
c) To be applied within 3 years of date of discharge/ death.


a) Application for house building grant.
b) A declaration that he/she does not own/owned a house anywhere in the state.
c) Detailed estimate by a Junior Engineer of the PWD or Block Panchayat.
d) Copies of the documents relating to the title to the property.
e) Latest land tax receipt.
f) Agreement in the prescribed Performa.
g) An income certificate from the Village Officer.
h) Certificate from the Village Officer stating that the applicant does not own/owned a house in the village for the past three years.


Housing Scheme

Preference is given to the application of Ex-servicemen for allotment of land under the Housing Scheme. House or house sites are allotted on priority basis by the State Housing Board to Ex-servicemen on payment of cost.

Allotment of NGO Quarters

Preference in the matter of allotment of NGO quarters to the wives (NGO) of Jawans who are reported missing and dead, and wives of (NGO’s) of Jawan actually stationed in the boarder areas Allotment of Government Quarters priority for re-employed Ex-servicemen State Government Service.

House Tax Exemption

War widows/widower of any Military personnel who died in action and war disabled are exempted from payment of building tax in Panchayat Areas

Ex-Servicemen /widows are exempted from the payment of building tax for the buildings used for their actual residential purpose

War widows and war disabled are exempted from payment of house tax (Property tax) for 10 year with effect from the first half of 2000-2001

The parents of (Father/Mother) unmarried Jawans killed in action are also eligible

Land Assignment

Under rule 6 of the Arable land Assignment Rule 1970, one tenth of the available assignable land in each district is reserved for assignment to disabled Defence personnel and dependents of Defence personnel killed in action and 1/20th is reserved for assignment to Ex-servicemen. The application for the purpose has to be submitted to the concerned Tahsildar in the prescribed form.

Under Rule 11 (3) of the Kerala Land Assignment Rule, 10% of the area available for assignment in each village is reserved for assignment to ex-servicemen for cultivation, house site and beneficial enjoyment.

Preference is given to the Defence personnel and their dependents for allotment of land under the Housing Scheme viz, Land Acquisition and Development Scheme.



1. Grant for repairs of dwelling huts

A one time grant of Rs. 10,000/- is paid to Ex-Servicemen and widows of Ex-Servicemen.


a) Ex-Servicemen/widows of Ex-Servicemen.
b) Annual income should be less than Rs.1,00,000/-.


a) Application for grant for repair of dwelling huts
b) Form No DD 40
c) Attested copy of discharge book
d) Attested copy of identity Card
e) Income certificate from village officer
f) Attested copy of widow identity card in case of widows
g) Estimated cost of repair prepared by a licensed Engineer
h) Detailed enquiry report regarding ownership / location /condition from the revenue authority
i) Certificate of non receipt of similar benefits from any other sources issued by the village officer
j) Verification report by ZSWOs


2. House Building Grant

The State Government has introduced this scheme towards the welfare of the disabled Ex-servicemen boarded out and widows and dependants of jawans died in harness. The amount of grant is Rs. 1,00,000/-.


a) Disabled and boarded out soldiers/war widows of soldiers/ widows of soldiers died in harness and recruits with disability pension.
b) Annual income limit should be less than Rs. 1,50,000/- (the income limit is not applicable to the Dependants of jawans killed/ disabled/ missing in action).
c) To be applied within 3 years of date of discharge/ death.


a) Application for house building grant.
b) A declaration that he/she does not own/owned a house anywhere in the state.
c) Detailed estimate by a Junior Engineer of the PWD or Block Panchayat.
d) Copies of the documents relating to the title to the property.
e) Latest land tax receipt.
f) Agreement in the prescribed Performa.
g) An income certificate from the Village Officer.
h) Certificate from the Village Officer stating that the applicant does not own/owned a house in the village for the past three years.

Housing Scheme:

Preference is given to the application of Ex-servicemen for allotment of land under the Housing Scheme. House or house sites are allotted on priority basis by the State Housing Board to Ex-servicemen on payment of cost.