Medical Assistance


Treatment in Hospitals:

  • One bed each in all Taluk Hospitals reserved to Ex-servicemen and their dependants
  • One bed each in all District Hospitals reserved to Ex-servicemen and their dependants

Special Casual Leave for Resurvey Medical Board:

  • Special Casual Leave to the maximum of 15 days including the transit time for to and fro journeys is granted to Ex-servicemen boarded out of service and re-employed in civil service for appearing before the re-survey Medical Boards for re-assessment of their disability
  • Special Casual Leave is allowed to Ex-servicemen Government servants for replacement/ treatment of artificial limb




1. Pocket Expense

A sum of Rs. 2000/- per month is given to each Ex-servicemen/widows of ex-servicemen inmate of TB/Leprosy sanatoriums in the State irrespective of their income. Free mosquito nets are also supplied to them.


  • Ex-Servicemen/widows of ex-servicemen inpatients undergoing treatment in TB/Leprosy sanatoriums.


  • Application for payment of pocket expenses from DMBF.
  • Form No DD 40.
  • Attested copy of Discharge book.
  • Attested copy of Ex-Servicemen Identity card.
  • Medical certificate.

2. Medical after care grant for TB/ Leprosy patients

Assistance of Rs. 1000/- per month is given to every Ex-Serviceman (for a maximum period of three years only after the cessation of payment from Red Cross Society.) who is undergoing treatment as out patient on account of TB/ Leprosy.

  • No income limit
  • Should be undergoing treatment as out patient on account of TB/Leprosy.
  • Should not have any assistance from the Indian Red Cross Society.


  • Application for medical after care grant
  • Form no DD 40
  • Attested copy of Discharge book
  • Attested copy of Ex-Servicemen Identity card
  • Income certificate from the Village Officer
  • Medical certificate from the hospital concerned

3. Medical After Care Grant to Cancer Patients

A sum of Rs. 1000/- per month is given to every Ex-servicemen/Widows/ Wives of Ex-servicemen cancer patients for a period of one year and non pensioners two years without stipulating income limit and subjected to SMBF rules.

  • Ex-Servicemen /Widows/Wives of Ex-servicemen..
  • Should have undergone treatment on account of cancer from a Govt. Cancer Institute.


  • Application
  • Form No DD 40.
  • Attested copy of Discharge book.
  • Attested copy of Ex-Servicemen Identity card.
  • Medical certificate form a Government Cancer Institute to confirm that the Ex-Servicemen/ Widows/Wives of Ex-servicemen have undergone/undergoing treatment for cancer.

4. Financial Assistance to Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Pune

A monthly financial assistance of Rs 1000/- per month to the inmates of Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Pune who belongs to the State of Kerala and to provide railway ticket charges for 2nd class Sleeper once a year to a close relatives of the inmates.
5. Financial Assistance to aged Ex-Servicemen under medical scheme
Under the scheme, a sum of Rs. 1000/- will be reimbursed to the aged Ex-Servicemen for purchase of medicines for his medical treatment subject to certain conditions (One time grant).


  • Aged and ailing Ex-Servicemen/World War II veteran.
  • Annual income limit should be less than 6000/-.

Applications for financial assistance to aged ESM under medical scheme.
Income certificate from the village officer.
Attested copy of the Ex-Servicemen identify card.
Photostat copy of the IP/OP ticket duly attested.
Essentiality certificate certified by medical practitioner-Registration Number to be mentioned.
Medicine bills in original signed by the medical officer and by the applicant.

6. Financial Assistance to kidney patients for Dialysis

Under the scheme, a sum of Rs. 1000/- per dialysis upto a maximum of Rs.20000/-is given to Ex-servicemen/widows of Ex-servicemen/dependents.


  • Ex-servicemen/widows of Ex-servicemen/dependents.
  • Should have not a member of ECHS Scheme.


  • Application
  • Form No DD 40.
  • Attested copy of Discharge book.
  • Attested copy of Ex-Servicemen Identity card.
  • Medical certificate from the hospital concerned.
  • Proof of relationship(for dependents only).
Treatment in Hospitals:

  • One bed each in all Taluk Hospitals reserved to Ex-servicemen and their dependants
  • One bed each in all District Hospitals reserved to Ex-servicemen and their dependants

Special Casual Leave for Resurvey Medical Board:

  • Special Casual Leave to the maximum of 15 days including the transit time for to and fro journeys is granted to Ex-servicemen boarded out of service and re-employed in civil service for appearing before the re-survey Medical Boards for re-assessment of their disability
  • Special Casual Leave is allowed to Ex-servicemen Government servants for replacement/ treatment of artificial limb